The Evolution of Timesheet Booking Technology
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In a lot of industries, accurately calculating the amount of time a worker spends on assignment has been a very vital feature. Virtually every industry has measured the value of labor in shifts, hours, and minutes. Timesheets make this measurement possible. But timesheets aren’t just about registering clocking in and out times anymore. Over the years, they have developed beyond these simple metrics and become an important tool to help businesses record metrics, bill clients, and generate revenue accurately.
Timesheets have changed with Time
People have calculated the hours spent engaging in a task throughout history. The concept of time spent is old, but it has proven to be the most effective technique of measuring and controlling production.
You can trace time tracking to Ancient Egypt when they maintained daily timesheets on clay tablets. The staffing industry was compensated in meals before there were currencies, based on the records placed in the clay tablet. Leaders updated the logs manually and interpreted them.
Companies have grappled with trying to determine the most accurate and efficient way to capture worker attendance data. Over time, like with many other features of work, there has been a continuous evolution of time-booking technology.
First there were attendance registers and manual punch cards. The very first industry to use pen and paper timesheets was the legal industry in order for lawyers to charge clients for the time spent on cases. Fixed fees were substituted by billable hours.
Over time, as technologies have evolved, many industries have sought technologies to ease the time tracking process. Paper-based manual attendance has been replaced with biometric devices, geo based tracking and now facial recognition.
If you are still using archaic methods to book timesheets for your employees, reconcile your billing and create invoices, it is time to seriously think about updating to timesheet software to substantially improve your Time and Resource Management, capture attendance in real-time & invoice accurately.
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