Fiscal Year 23-24 Highlights
Annual Revenue
'Million-Dollar-Plus' Deals
Unexecuted Order Book (as on March 31, 2024)
In the world of business today, speed matters more than anything else, and Digital Transformation will be possible only when organizations are agile. Transforming operations will bring in operational excellence that will be driven by technology thus paving way for innovation and excellence. This is where Digital Transformation steps in. We, at Ramco, continue to emphasize on the fact that a true Digital Transformation is all about results that should be driving an improvement that is not just incremental but substantial. What was expected to become a need by 2025, has now become urgent and important.
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Latest News & Announcements
Ramco Systems announces the launch of Aviation Software 6.0 for smarter aircraft management
Specialized Engine MRO solution and key AI enhancements to drive transformation in M&E and MRO operations
Ramco Systems awarded multi-year Canadian federal contract for its Aviation Software
Ramco’s Aviation Software will provide a fully integrated solution for rotary & fixed-wing fleets at bases across Canada in support of multiple Canadian Government departments.
Ramco Systems Q1 revenue stood at USD 16.52m
Ongoing transformation starts yielding results
Ramssol Signs Strategic Partnership with Ramco Systems
To deliver Ramco's innovative enterprise applications and SaaS-enabled payroll solution
Ramco Systems FY24 revenue stood at USD 63.92m
Debut of Ramco Payce and the expansion of Ramco’s Aviation MRO Solution signal significant development
South Korea’s flag carrier and largest airline, Korean Air selects Ramco Aviation
Signs deal to accelerate tech transformation at Asia's Largest Engine MRO Facility