5 Cloud Computing Best Practices

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5 Cloud Computing Best Practices

Cloud computing brings many benefits to modern businesses both large and small, such as mobility, scalability, efficiency, and reduced costs. But in order to extract the maximum from your investment, you need to be aware of what the industry is doing.

Cloud Computing Best Practices

If you are new to cloud computing, we recommend the following best practices to make sure you derive long-term benefit:

  • Getting to know the model: Cloud computing is driven by different types of models, such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). Before you make the plunge, ensure that you understand how these models differ and which combination is the best for your business model.
  • Planning and strategizing: Cloud is not something you switch to overnight, because it causes a fundamental shift in your business processes. Make sure you have figured out the strategy of operation, created a plan for migration, and have a clear view of budget and other constraints.
  • Think modular: Cloud works because it’s distributed in nature. This feature enables cloud vendors to provide true scalability. That means if you are building applications for the cloud, you have to make them modular so that they can be updated as required.
  • Focus on integration: Cloud systems work best when they are well connected with all other business solutions. That means you need to work on system integration to make sure every business function is able to benefit from the centralized system.
  • Give yourself time: Cloud computing is a new paradigm and takes time to get implemented. Don’t rush your team; let them learn about cloud computing as they work on it.

Following the best practices is the right way to ensure long-term advantage in the cloud.